An urgent challenge for social housing landlords today revolves around enhancing the quality of existing housing stock in a manner that is not only environmentally sound but also socially and economically sustainable by the Landlord.

Energy efficiency and zero net carbon are now central to sustainability. Social housing professionals are actively involved in pioneering responses to environmental responsibility, whether it pertains to new constructions projects or ongoing property maintenance.
Whilst most landlords possess a mature understanding of environmental imperatives, there remains a pertinent question
Does the current approach adequately address all social, strategic, and economic dimensions of sustainability, and is it a holistic approach?
Thus far, sustainability is often perceived and managed in silo's, rather than a unified environmental, social, and economic agenda. Such a fragmented approach has led to a lack of clarity and definition regarding sustainability planning and management across the sector, thereby diminishing its impact.
This ambiguity may stem from the extensive range of criteria necessitating holistic consideration and assessment, and due of a lack of available solutions which enable these diverse criteria to be integrated into a decision-support model that is robust and defensible.
That is, until now...
Our solution is unique
Taking a multi-criterion approach, our solution offers a unique amalgamation of two expert solutions: Asprey's AspireBI and Sava's Intelligent Energy. Together, these cutting-edge products provide an integrated platform enabling clients to adopt a comprehensive approach to sustainability modelling, effectively addressing environmental, social, strategic, and economic factors.

Asprey's AspireBI is a self-serve Asset Value rationalisation and option appraisal model, facilitating informed strategic decision-making and fostering consensus on asset values across an organisation. Providing insight into optimising investments and investment choices, and improving their management with a reliable central model, AspireBI demonstrates sound custodianship and facilitates investment/divestment decisions based on sound, defensible financial and strategic values.
Sava's Intelligent Energy specialises in providing insights and plans for achieving energy improvement and zero net carbon targets. Through advanced energy performance calculations, data quality assessment, desktop analysis features, and improvement recommendations, Intelligent Energy empowers clients to economically achieve energy efficiency and carbon targets while managing the impact on tenant running costs.
By delivering self-serve asset value rationalisation and option appraisals that include both energy and commercial sustainability modelling, our solution ensures sound custodianship and intelligent investment decision-making with a demonstrable commitment to social and environmental factors and leaves robust evidence of prudent investment decision-making.
optimise investments and returns
enlighten, enhance and evidence sound strategic decision making
improve stock performance against multiple factors and objectives
build a stronger and sustainable portfolio and business
share and cement asset value consensus across the organisation
reduce management effort with sound, prompt, shared knowledge
minimise subjectivity and identify investment-worthiness to expedite decisions
initiate continues improvement and measure results of interventions